„Internationale Conference – Holocaust Distortion and Counter Strategies“
Holocaust distortion is not a new phenomenon, but has reached a disturbingly new level in Europe and on a global scale. Experts from more than 10 nations have been participating in our conference to discuss newest research and data and to find new approaches within Holocaust education to engage young audiences.
Expressions of Holocaust distortion can be found across the political spectrum, but they are increasingly instrumentalized by a growing Far Right, in nationalistic discourses, religious fundamentalism and online hate campaigns. Distortion
of historical facts not only discriminates against victims and descendants, but also endangers our collective understanding of our own history, and historical truth. The dissemination of fake histories, propaganda, and hate speech aims directly
at the foundations of our societies. It specifically attacks civil society, democratic institutions, and the credibility of scientific experts and independent media. The Kreuzberg Initiative Against Antisemitism (KIgA e.V.) and
the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum organized an International Conference in cooperation with the Topography of Terror to address the issue of Holocaust distortion from the standpoint of considering educational strategies to counter
some of its leading manifestations.