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ENCATE: LUNCH TALK - Show Racism the Red Card

Show Racism the Red Card: Anti-racism, Allyship, Antisemitism and Islamophobia

The talk will cover the work of Show Racism the Red Card, as well as recent approaches to discussions around antisemitism and islamophobia.
It will discuss how to be an ally to both Jewish and Muslim communities without prioritizing one group over the other.
The presentation will include case studies from sessions with adults and young people addressing this topic.

About the speaker:

Andy Heywood is a member of the Show Racism the Red Card education team, delivering anti-racist education in schools and workplaces across the North West of England.
A former teacher, he also works as an educator with Wirral Deen Centre.


Anti-racism, antisemitism and allyship mit Show Racism the Red Card

March 20, 2024 / Noon CET, 11 AM GMT